


Welcome, Mesa Elementary parents and students, and interested others!

My name is Amber Wilcox-O'Hearn. I was a Mesa parent for the last seven years and have been coaching Math Olympiad at Mesa for two years. I love math, and love sharing it.

What is Math Olympiad?

Math Olympiad is a math competition for children from elementary through high school. It focuses on problem solving, rather than calculation. Contests are held once a month from November to March right at each participating school.

Solving math problems is an excellent way to practise logical thinking, and to reinforce concepts learned in school. Also, it's fun!

How does MO work at Mesa?

We will meet weekly starting in November, and I will teach concepts and give practice problems. Although the contests are fun and instructive, I emphasize learning thinking processes over getting right answers or high scores on the contests.

What is this website for?

I will be posting materials that I use for teaching, and problems we discuss. Using the website is optional for my students, but I hope it will be useful for them, and for others preparing for Math Olympiad, or who just want to do some fun mathematical thinking. Please enjoy and share.